Monday, January 28, 2013

Trying to find my style

I cannot be the only one who struggles trying to find their own style. Yet every time I make a design choice recently it almost induces a panic attack for me trying to decide if it's the "right" choice and what people will think of it. Then I realized it doesn't really matter what anyone else will think of it as long as my sweet hubby and I like it. Ok so it may matter down the road when we go to sell the house but we aren't going anywhere for a while so right now it needs to be about making us happy.

We have been in this house over a year now and I would not declare any room as finished. Probably the closest thing to being finished would be the foyer.  Since there is a light fixture waiting to be hung, half finished table (went round 2 with the dining table and we'll call it a draw) in the middle of it and chairs that need to be reupholstered in it (now that the cat has been sharpening his claws on them even though he has a scratching post) I still am not feeling like it's anywhere near being done.

I guess where I am going with this is that my goal for this year is to have a room that is DONE and in my style AND budget. I am heavily influenced by many beautiful blogs but none of them would be MY perfect house.For instance, I Love, LOVE Miss Mustard Seed's home. I have always wanted a blue and white room (almost her whole house is blue and white) but when I try to do it other colors always seem to creep in. Then I feel like I failed because it doesn't look the same. But it's not supposed to because it's MY house. So I am telling you, and asking you to hold me accountable, that I am finishing my living room this year.Yes I know I still have to work on other rooms too (kitchen?!) but since we spend the most time in the living room I think it makes sense to focus on that room. So let's take a look.

When we first came to look at this house we saw this.

Sorry the pictures aren't great but I was juggling 3 kids and trying to take pictures. We really wanted to refinish the hardwood but if you recall we had a small issue with that.

Trying to get that carpet padding off the floor in just the living room and dining room would have cost more than installing carpet in those 2 rooms PLUS the entire upstairs so we went with carpet. Total bummer. Someday, right? Right now a typical day for this room looks like this.

So what can I tell you? Well... the couches are something that Sweet Hubby and I picked out together shortly before we got married and they totally don't work in this room. They are just too big. Not to mention it makes it feel like a black hole on the side of the room that they are on. The loveseat used to be in front of the windows where my 2 painted chairs are but it was up against the radiator and that was no good so we moved it. Now it it sticks out so far that I can't even put the coffee table between the couches.

Noticing some peach paint on the wall down there at the front of the room? Yes, yes you are. I had MANY paint samples when I started to choose my paint color for this room. I found one I REALLY liked. I started to paint the room but not the front because it had been blocked by the loveseat. Have you ever visited Melissa's blog The Inspired Room?  She is renovating their house ( it looks amazing! Check it out!) and the previous owners had a paint color on the wall she likes to call swine. Well my paint choice looks a whole lot like that during the day when the sun in coming in those front windows. At night it's lovely but during the day... awful.

Curtains- I had them hanging in our dining room at the rental. I like that we can open the blinds and still have privacy but they aren't my favorite.

Artwork- yes one off centered wedding picture that is hung on whatever nail was already in the wall. sigh..

Fireplace/Mantel- The fireplace doesn't work. Can't get it fixed because no one carried the parts for it anymore. We realize we will have to do something to it before we sell but unless we win the lottery (which we don't even play) it won't be for a few years. The mantel has become more of a catch all, keep it out of reach area and I would really like it to be more than that.

Tentative plan-

1.Slip cover the large couch- I found a brand new Pottery Barn Slipcover on ebay for $60. Can't afford a new sofa but we can make this one look better and be easier to clean!
2. Remove the Love Seat- Might go in our bedroom or it might have to go away completely. I don't think it will fit around the corner upstairs. We'll see.
3. Paint the walls the same Bone White as the foyer. (I have paint leftover!) It might be too much white but I know I like the color and how it interacts with the color of the woodwork. I can always repaint.
4. I am mid-process on making drapes for the dining room. I may make more or something similar for the living room. The good news is that I can take the ones I already made and try them out in here before making the decision.

That is as far as I have gotten in my thought processes. I kind of want to start with those things and see where I end up. Do you have any suggestions or ideas? I would totally welcome input!


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