Monday, September 9, 2013

First day of School and Cabinet Reveal

Aleena had her first day of Preschool (4 and 5 year old class) today. I remember last year when she cried and didn't want to go, opposed to this year where she has been asking for WEEKS if it was time for school to start yet.

This year there were smiles and even some jumping up and down.

I was the one who dropped her off this year. Usually sweet hubby does but he had just come off a 16 hour work day so I didn't want him driving. The minute she got out of the car she was focused on getting into her classroom and didn't look back once. I was shouting good-bye at her back. She is growing up too fast.

Oh yeah- AND the twins are turning THREE on Thursday. 3!! My babies. We were talking about cupcakes and birthday cakes on the way to pick up Aleena from school and it hit me that on her next birthday, which is only six months away, she will be turning FIVE. Holy cow. Time is just flying. Please tell me I am not the only one having those crazy Mommy moments where you just want to freeze time because you just realized how crazy fast it's going?

As Aleena gets older she is turning into my little artist and will spend hours coloring or painting. The cabinet I am going to show you today she helped me with and she informed me that when she gets older, she is going to paint furniture too. Love that kid.

We bought this cabinet when we were living in our rental. I needed something to hold the printer and some of my sewing supplies and fit into the corner of our dining room. That was a pretty tall order but we found this one on craiglist (of course) and sweet hubby drove to Delaware to get it for me. I have one before picture of this (that I can find) but the others seem to have disappeared.

I am not usually into the waterfall pieces but in the pictures this looked interesting so I was so excited. Until it actually got to our house and I realized there was some pretty extensive veneer issues. The door that is open in that picture had half the veneer buckled from some water damage and someone had tried to (incorrectly) fix it. We lived with it as is for over a year (fits the printer PERFECTLY) and then I decided to mess with it. I took all the veneer off the one door and took off the rusty handles.  I painted it black and searched in vain for an off size cabinet handle that wasn't totally ugly. I didn't like the black so I painted it white with black accents. Didn't like that so I repainted it white. Then I added red accents with a painted top. That didn't turn out exactly how I wanted either. I was ready to give up.

I found out Miss Mustard Seed was releasing a new milk paint color called Artissimo which was a navy blue so I thought I would test it out on this piece and I love, LOVE it!

I filled in half of the holes from the old handles and added wood knobs instead. and stenciled the doors. It doesn't match anything in the dining room but I think that will help get me motivated to paint in there.  This is more than just our printer cabinet these days. It's also our coffee station.

We are using this cabinet more than ever so I am so glad that I finally like how it looks! Anyone else having a new appreciation for something they have owned for awhile?

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