So we have an announcement to make.... We have added to our little family. We now have 3 kittens!
Our cat, who only answers to "Cat" but is named Adelaide, had three kittens on Wednesday night! They all look so much like her.
The kittens are so sweet and I can't wait until we can cuddle them! The kids have been so excited and it is really hard to keep them away from the kittens. We don't really NEED 3 more cats so when they are big enough we will be looking for homes for them so if you are interested or know anyone who might be please let me know!
I have always heard that cats didn't like having people around when giving birth but poor Adelaide didn't want me out of her sight. If I left the room she would try to follow me no matter what was going on. She had a little bit of a rough time with the first 2 but by the time the third one got here she was a pro.
Right now the kittens just eat and sleep but at 2 days old they are already getting around a lot more. The next few weeks should be crazy but a lot of fun.
The other good news is that the electrician is finished! (Until we do the upstairs) Instead of our scary electrical situation going on downstairs we now have this:
The scary old fuse box turned Junction box is gone!!! Remember?
To know that is no longer lurking in the basement is such a relief! And we also have a new panel:
Isn't it pretty?? Of course we were used to looking at this:
I really do sleep easier at night knowing this house is safer after getting this huge project done. Next up is still the plumbing. We had a plumber out on Tuesday to take a look. I am waiting to get his official estimate. He got really great recommendations on Angie's List and seemed very knowledgeable. The general consensus from everyone that has seen our basement is that all the supply lines need to go. So I will do a more comprehensive plumbing post when we get everything settled and I have exact information to give you. Maybe it will help someone else who has an old house with issues :)
Off to check in on some cute kitties!
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