Sunday, March 25, 2012

Old Friends

My sewing machine and I have been getting reacquainted. Besides all the things I have to do there was one thing I really WANTED to do. One of my dear friends is having a little boy in May and her shower was this weekend.  I wanted to make her something special for baby P when he gets here. So I thought I would make a quilt. Anyone who knows me I get total ADD when I try to focus on an intensive project like that. So, to procrastinate making the quilt I made some burp cloths.

Then I started the quilt and was doing ok until I couldn't find the quilt batting I KNOW moved with us but has since disappeared. So I decided to work on some bibs for little baby P since the sewing machine was out and I had to wait until I could get to the store for batting to go any further. Here are the fronts:

And the backs:

I thought they turned out pretty good- even if I do say so myself !  I was able to get the quilt completed and it looked a little something like this.

It was a great shower and baby P is set for when he decides to make his entrance. It is a wonderful thing to see your friends amazingly happy like I did yesterday. Starts the waterworks for me a little bit. I can't wait to hold that baby!!

The quilt and the burp cloths were made out of upcycled sheets. I have been able to find some really cute sheets and other scrap fabrics and am tossing around the idea of opening an etsy shop selling baby items. It's a possibility that I am seriously considering. I would really have to get some stock made so I could do that which is one of the main things holding me back. Right now my sewing projects take over the dining room when I am working. The kids can get into stuff and it gets frustrating. There is a solution but it is a little ways down the project list for this little house of ours. There is a crazy porch/sunroom off of the upstairs bathroom. The windows need to be replaced and electric would need to be run to it so I could plug in the sewing machine but it is the Perfect size for a sewing room. It would get all of my stuff out of the dining room (we could have company!!) and it is not kid accesible. Someday. We'll get there. I even found the perfect sewing table.

It is going to have to remain at the store since the sewing room isn't ready(and I don't think I could talk the hubby into letting it sit in the basement until it is) but I love the details on this old library table- the drawer pulls and the carved legs. I totally fell in love. AND it's only $95. PERFECT. (Can you tell they even staged it with a vintage sewing machine on top?) Fingers crossed I can find one like this when it is actually time to buy one!

Next on the list will be curtains for the kitchen. The fabric doesn't go with our current big blue cabinets but someday when we get our act together they WILL go with our lovely white cabinets. I still have to attempt the slip covers for the chairs and I also found a great deal on a deacon bench for the dining room that needs a little love.

Thanks for dropping by!

1 comment:

  1. Sweetie, they are awesome! I wish I was as creative and talented as you. You have a great gift and I am so glad your using it.
