Thursday, February 9, 2012

And the list grows...

I am finally sitting at my dining room table with room to eat, or type a blog, or maybe finally pull out my sewing machine!?! It's crazy talk I know!!! We had our first visitors yesterday. My Best Friend Tricia and her mom.. and baby Eli (the twins boyfriend) drove up to see us. Which was a wonderful visit and gave me the push I needed to finally make the dining room not look like a storage area. There are still boxes but you can actually see the table which is a huge improvement.

The added bonus to this is there is room to work on projects. I have more going at one time than I should so my goal this week is to get at least one finished.  When we had originally looked at the house Aleena's room had no light fixture- just wires dangling from the ceiling. We were fortunate enough that the owners put a brand new ceiling fan in her room before we had settlement. It's white and fairly generic but will most definitely work for the time being. The babies room is another story. They have this.

It is an ugly, green blade-less fan. Only 3 of the lights work. It just drives me nuts. (on an unrelated note you can see at the bottom of the picture we have yet to finish painting their room.) Today we took a little family drive to our local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. I was looking for a pantry cabinet for the kitchen. No luck with that but we did find this.

 A very cute ceiling fan for 2 little girls and it was only $30. The one I had been looking at that I thought we might get for in there was $60 and was more grown up. I am thrilled to have found something that saved us some money and fits them for the next however many years. I tried to see if I could find this fan at Lowes or Home Depot so I could see exactly how much we saved and I didn't see it online. However at Lowes the other fans that were more geared towards kids rooms started at $80. I will admit installing the fan will be more of a Matthew project, than something I can do but I can at least cross buying a ceiling fan off my list! I also got the curtains hung in the babies room. I know We haven't finished painting but I was tired of looking at them in the packages when they could look like this.

The flowered curtains I got from Ikea but they are discontinuing them and I got the last ones in Conshohocken. And the pink panels are corduroy and are from Pottery Barn Kids but I got them at the thrift store for $3 for the pair. Good Deal! It really lightens up the room since we haven't finished painting over the blue yet.

Another project I have going on right now are these beauties. (Please note the sarcasm.)

Hey look you can see our pretty wood floor! Back to the chairs. There are 2 of them and in their original state I did not find them attractive. I picked them because they are light weight and I could carry them but they are also smallish. Our foyer is fairly large but I didn't want to take up the whole space with 2 chairs. I already have them painted and the fabric I picked is draped over them but no sewing action has happened. Now that I have my dining room table open I think I might be able to start making some more progress. Once they are finished I will take pictures of the whole foyer for you.

The other project that I want to get finished before I take anything else on is this.

And this would be our old spice cabinet, already disassembled to paint, that is turning into a medicine cabinet for our powder room.

There is so much more on the list. Like these:

That is the door leading to our basement from the kitchen and the side window off the kitchen. They are primed but the kitchen is on hold for now. But I also want to take down the wall paper in there as well as the wall paper in the guest room. And, like I said, I still have to finish painting the babies room. So my list is getting longer by the day it seems but I will try to keep you posted as I actually accomplish my projects. Time is flying by. We have been living here almost 2 month already and Aleena is going to be 3 in a couple weeks. It's hard to believe. Hope you all are doing well and hopefully I will have more to share soon!!


  1. The chairs remind me of the furniture we had when the kids were growing up. Ask Matthew about it. It was an old rattan set that my parents passed on to us. The kids loved it because they took it all apart and made forts out of the frames and pillows. So you better decide right now if Matthew will be allowed to do that with these chairs or not!! Looks like you are busy. LOVE the fan for Lily and Maggie!

  2. Yay for being able to post a comment! He did mention they would be good fort chairs. I don't think it will be a problem. I picked pretty durable fabric!
